Featured Choreographer- Katie Mulligan

All of the choreographers are very eager to talk about what they are working on this semester! Our very first featured choreographer on the blog is Katie Mulligan. Below she gives us an inside look at all she is doing this semester.

What are you working on in choreography class at the moment?

At the moment I am working on a bit of improvisation for one the final projects. I am gathering up items of significance from my life and using each one to inspire movement.

This year’s showcase is site-specific. What does that mean for you?
For me it means that the choreography will interact with the physical space in some ways. Decisions along the way will be made based on how it will look in the space, or what the space allows. Also, how the final piece is perceived by the audience will be influenced by its setting.

Can you tell us about your piece in the showcase?
My piece was inspired by a few different movement studies that we did in class this semester. One of the studies involved bringing in a physical artifact. I brought in pictures that reminded me of a memory I have of walking alone in the snow. I was inspired by the idea of what it feels like to step into a space that feels vast and welcoming – a place in nature that holds you and makes you feel connected to something greater. That has been the basis for my piece.

How do you approach choreography? (Or how did you approach this piece?)
I try to approach choreography by following my instincts and not overthinking things. I like using separate little dance studies to start out with, reminding myself  along the way to have fun with it and not worry about the outcome. Some things I end up coming back to, some not, but it is important for me to get out of my head and let things come together, rather than trying to force something.

Why should people come to the show?
It is our first show at the new campus and it is going to be different than any show ACC has done before, which is really exciting!

What advice do you have for someone interested in studying dance?
Go for it! I love studying dance. I didn’t start dancing until a few years ago when I signed up for a Modern 1 class here at ACC and it has been wonderful experience. I highly recommend taking a class; the dance department is a fun and welcoming environment where you can learn, work, and play.


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